
Departamentul de Stat, stenograme | Discutia dintre Traian Basescu si Victoria Nuland

Redactia | Publicat: 14 Ian 2014,
Dupa interpretarile tendentioase din mass media romaneasca,Departamentul de Stat publica, in premiera, stenograma discutiei dintre Presedintele Traian Basescu si Subsecretarul de stat american Victoria Nuland.
Inregistrarea video a fost pusa la dispozitia presei, imediat dupa intalnirea oficiala, de Administratia Prezidentiala si au existat interpretari pe marginea acesteia. Stenograma nu lasa loc la speculatii si a fost publicata pentru a contracara dezinformarile si pentru a da sansa institutiilor de presa care au gafat sa corecteze informatia.
Remarks Following Meeting With President Traian Basescu of Romania
Victoria Nuland
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Presidential Palace
Bucharest, Romania
January 10, 2014
President Traian Basescu: Nice to see you back in Bucharest. It’s an honor for us having you here.
Assistant Secretary Nuland: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. It’s good to see you again.
President Traian Basescu: You must be tired after your flight in Europe.
Assistant Secretary Nuland: I’m paid not to be tired, as are you. Great to see you.
President Traian Basescu: It’s a great pleasure for us, too, to discuss the problems which we have.
Assistant Secretary Nuland: And the importance of our alliance together. It’s a very important strategic relationship, the United States and Romania.
President Traian Basescu: Of course. And I hope the small misunderstandings will not affect the substance of our relations.
Assistant Secretary Nuland: I am here to celebrate 10 years of NATO membership, to talk about all we’ve done together and to talk about how we go forward.
President Traian Basescu: Thank you…
President Traian Basescu: I remember the successful summit in Bucharest and the way how we obtained the summit was absolutely spectacular.
Assistant Secretary Nuland: It was a great historic moment, for your country and for all of us.
Stenograma a fost publicata dupa ce duminica seara, la Antena 3, la o emisiune la care a participat si Premierul Victor Ponta s-a avansat ideea ca Victoria Nuland a fost jignita la Palatul Cotroceni si ca Presedintele Traian Basescu a fortat sa obtina, in fata presei, de la Inaltul demnitar american o confirmare oficiala a problemelor cu care se confrunta Romania.