
Am castigat o batalie, nu si razboiul! / We have won a battle, but not the war!

2013. szeptember 9., 
In urma declaratiilor prim-ministrului Victor Ponta, Campania Salvati Rosia Montana anunta ca Protestele in strada vor continua pana in momentul in care:
- Parlamentul, prin Senat si Camera Deputatilor va vota respingerea proiectului de lege;
- Guvernul va respinge in procedura de urgenta prin hotarare de guvern acordul de mediu;
- Rosia Montana va fi inclusa pe lista tentativa a Romaniei pentru UNESCO
- Cianura va fi interzisa prin lege in activitatile miniere din Romania.
- Cei patru iniţiatori ai acestui proiect de lege: ministrul marilor proiecte (Dan Şova), cel al mediului (Rovana Plumb), cel al culturii (Daniel Barbu) şi directorul ANRM (Gheorghe Duţu) vor fi demiși.
Rosia Montana, 
9 septembrie 2013
Following the recent statements of Mr Victor Ponta, Prime-minister of the Romanian Government, the Save Rosia Montana Campaign announces 
Street protests will continue until:
- the Parliament’s Chambers – the Senate and the Deputy Chamber – will reject through vote the law proposal;
- the Government will imediatelly reject through governmental decision the environmental permit for the Rosia Montana gold mine;
- Rosia Montana will be included on Romania’s Tentative List for UNESCO
- Cyanide use in mining will be strictly forbidden.
- The immediate resignation of the law proposal’s initiators: minister for big investments (Dan Şova), minister for the environment (Rovana Plumb), minister for culture (Daniel Barbu) and the director of Romania’s Agency for Mineral Resources (Gheorghe Duţu).
Rosia Montana
September 9, 2013